We supply Neoprene foam rubber strips to many companies as well as private individuals. Self-adhesive backing can be added to any neoprene foam strip. Neoprene foam strips provide brilliant seals in a whole host of applications. RIAYK Limited frequently supply a range of plain or self-adhesive backed expanded Neoprene foam strip to solve issues such as cushioning, air flow control, water leakage and anti-vibration problems. Furthermore, due to the fantastic aging properties of closed cell Neoprene foam it means that the sealing strip functions will not fail over prolonged exposure on a specific application.

THICKNESS: 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm right up to 40mm


  • Closed cell structure making it impermeable to water and air and therefore an ideal material for sealing against air and/or water.
  • Outstanding aging properties and will not go brittle over time.
  • Very durable and relatively cheap.
  • Flexible material.
  • Good UV, ozone, sunlight and oxidation resilience.
  • Good resistance to oil and many petroleum derivatives and chemicals.